Haskell Typeclass for Non-Transative Equality: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Egidus - hkhazo.biz.id

Haskell Typeclass for Non-Transative Equality: Unraveling the Mystery

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In the realm of Haskell, typeclasses play a vital role in shaping the behavior of data types. One such typeclass that often raises eyebrows is the non-transitive equality typeclass. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to demystify the Haskell typeclass for non-transative equality, exploring its significance, implementation, and practical applications.

What is Non-Transative Equality?

Before diving into the typeclass, let’s first understand the concept of non-transative equality. In mathematics, equality is typically considered transitive, meaning that if a == b and b == c, then a == c. However, in certain domains, this transitivity property doesn’t hold. For instance, in the realm of floating-point numbers, due to rounding errors, a == b and b == c doesn’t necessarily imply a == c.

Why Do We Need a Typeclass for Non-Transative Equality?

The primary motivation behind creating a typeclass for non-transative equality is to allow developers to define custom equality behavior for specific data types. This typeclass enables us to explicitly declare that a particular type does not satisfy the transitivity property, ensuring that our code is more predictable and accurate.

Implementing the Non-Transative Equality Typeclass

To create a typeclass for non-transative equality, we’ll define a new typeclass called NonTransativeEq. This typeclass will have a single method, (===), which represents the non-transative equality relation.

class NonTransativeEq a where
  (===) :: a -> a -> Bool
  a === b = not (a /= b)

In the above implementation, we’ve defined the NonTransativeEq typeclass with a single method, (===), which takes two arguments of type a and returns a boolean value indicating whether they are non-transatively equal. The default implementation uses the negation of the inequality operator (/=) to define the non-transative equality relation.

Instances of NonTransativeEq

To make a data type an instance of the NonTransativeEq typeclass, we need to provide a implementation for the (===) method. Let’s consider an example with a custom data type, FloatingPoint, which represents floating-point numbers with a specific precision.

data FloatingPoint = FloatingPoint Double Int

instance NonTransativeEq FloatingPoint where
  (FloatingPoint x p) === (FloatingPoint y q) = p == q && abs (x - y) <= 10^(-p)

In this implementation, we’ve defined an instance of NonTransativeEq for the FloatingPoint data type. The (===) method checks whether the precision of the two floating-point numbers is the same and whether their absolute difference is within a certain tolerance (in this case, 10^(-p)).

Practical Applications of NonTransativeEq

The NonTransativeEq typeclass finds its applications in various domains, including:

  • Scientific Computing: When working with floating-point numbers, non-transative equality is crucial to ensure accurate results. By using the NonTransativeEq typeclass, we can define custom equality relations that account for rounding errors.
  • Database Querying: In databases, non-transative equality can be used to define custom matching rules for data retrieval. For instance, we might want to consider two timestamps as equal if they differ by less than a certain threshold.
  • Machine Learning: In machine learning, non-transative equality can be used to define similarity metrics that don’t satisfy transitivity. This is particularly useful when working with high-dimensional data or noisy datasets.

Benefits of NonTransativeEq

The NonTransativeEq typeclass offers several benefits, including:

  1. Improved Code Quality: By explicitly defining the non-transative equality relation, we can write more predictable and accurate code.
  2. Enhanced Expressiveness: The NonTransativeEq typeclass provides a way to encode domain-specific knowledge about equality relations, making our code more expressive and readable.
  3. Faster Development: With the NonTransativeEq typeclass, we can focus on the specific requirements of our application, rather than relying on the default transitive equality relation.


In this article, we’ve delved into the mysteries of the Haskell typeclass for non-transative equality. By understanding the concept of non-transative equality and implementing the NonTransativeEq typeclass, we can write more robust and accurate code. The practical applications of NonTransativeEq are vast, ranging from scientific computing to machine learning. So, the next time you encounter a situation where transative equality doesn’t hold, remember to reach for the NonTransativeEq typeclass.

Property Transative Equality Non-Transative Equality
Transative ×

This table highlights the key differences between transative and non-transative equality. While both relations are reflexive and symmetric, non-transative equality does not satisfy the transitivity property.

We hope this article has inspired you to explore the fascinating world of Haskell typeclasses and non-transative equality. Remember to always keep your code accurate, readable, and predictable by leveraging the power of typeclasses.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Haskell Typeclass for non-transative equality” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about Haskell Typeclass for non-transitive equality.

What is the concept of non-transitive equality in Haskell?

In Haskell, non-transitive equality is a typeclass that allows you to define a custom equality relation between values that doesn’t follow the usual transitive property of equality (i.e., if a == b and b == c, then a == c). This is useful when you need to compare values that have a more complex equality relation, such as floating-point numbers or strings with case-insensitive comparison.

How do I define a typeclass for non-transitive equality in Haskell?

To define a typeclass for non-transitive equality in Haskell, you need to create a new typeclass with a single method, typically named `equiv`, that takes two values of the same type and returns a boolean indicating whether they are equal according to your custom equality relation. For example: `class EqNonTrans a where equiv :: a -> a -> Bool`.

What are some use cases for non-transitive equality in Haskell?

Non-transitive equality is useful when you need to compare values that have a more complex equality relation, such as floating-point numbers (e.g., NaN), strings with case-insensitive comparison, or values with a custom normalization procedure. It’s also useful when you need to implement a set or map data structure with a custom equality relation.

How does non-transitive equality affect the performance of my Haskell program?

Non-transitive equality can have a performance impact on your Haskell program, especially when used extensively in data structures or algorithms that rely on equality comparisons. This is because non-transitive equality relations can lead to more complex and slower comparisons. However, the impact can be mitigated by using optimized implementations and caching mechanisms.

Are there any established libraries or frameworks that provide non-transitive equality in Haskell?

Yes, there are several established libraries and frameworks that provide non-transitive equality in Haskell, such as the `equiv` package, `floating-equality`, and `case-insensitive`. These libraries provide pre-defined typeclasses and instances for common use cases, making it easier to use non-transitive equality in your Haskell programs.