Where Can I Get OpenRTB 2.6 Schema in JSON/AVRO Format?
Image by Egidus - hkhazo.biz.id

Where Can I Get OpenRTB 2.6 Schema in JSON/AVRO Format?

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Are you tired of scouring the internet for the elusive OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON/AVRO format? Well, buckle up, friend, because we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll take you on a wild ride, exploring the world of OpenRTB, and guiding you through the process of getting your hands on the coveted schema.

What is OpenRTB?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and talk about what OpenRTB is. OpenRTB (Real-Time Bidding) is an open standard for real-time communication between supply-side platforms (SSPs) and demand-side platforms (DSPs) in the digital advertising space. It enables publishers, SSPs, and DSPs to interact in a unified manner, facilitating the buying and selling of ad inventory in real-time.

Why Do I Need the OpenRTB 2.6 Schema?

The OpenRTB 2.6 schema is a crucial component of the OpenRTB protocol. It defines the structure and syntax of the messages exchanged between SSPs and DSPs during the bidding process. Having access to the schema in JSON/AVRO format allows developers to:

  • Implement OpenRTB 2.6-compliant integrations
  • Validate and parse OpenRTB messages
  • Develop custom applications and tools for real-time bidding

Where Can I Get the OpenRTB 2.6 Schema?

Now that we’ve established the importance of the OpenRTB 2.6 schema, let’s talk about where to get it. There are a few sources where you can obtain the schema in JSON/AVRO format:

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

The IETF is the official governing body behind OpenRTB. You can find the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON format on the IETF website. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit the IETF website at https://www.ietf.org/
  2. Click on the “RFCs” tab and search for “OpenRTB 2.6”
  3. Click on the resulting RFC page and scroll down to the “JSON Schema” section
  4. Download the OpenRTB 2.6 JSON schema

OpenRTB GitHub Repository

The OpenRTB GitHub repository is another excellent source for the schema. Here’s how to get it:

  1. Visit the OpenRTB GitHub repository at https://github.com/openrtb/OpenRTB
  2. Click on the “schema” directory
  3. Find the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON format and download it
  4. Alternatively, you can also find the AVRO schema in the “avro” directory

Third-Party Sources

There are also third-party sources that provide the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON/AVRO format. Some popular options include:

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of the schema before using it in your projects.

How to Work with the OpenRTB 2.6 Schema

Now that you’ve got your hands on the OpenRTB 2.6 schema, it’s time to learn how to work with it. Here are some essential steps to get you started:

JSON Schema Validation

Validate your OpenRTB messages against the JSON schema using tools like:

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "title": "OpenRTB 2.6 Bid Request",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "imp": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/properties/impobject"}},

AVRO Schema Generation

Generate AVRO schema from the JSON schema using tools like:

  "type": "record",
  "name": "OpenRTB 2.6 Bid Request",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "id", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "imp", "type": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "OpenRTB.ImpObject"}}},


In conclusion, getting your hands on the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON/AVRO format is a crucial step in building OpenRTB-compliant integrations. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to implementing real-time bidding solutions that conform to the OpenRTB standard.

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of the schema before using it in your projects. Happy coding!

Source Format Description
IETF JSON Official OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON format
OpenRTB GitHub JSON/AVRO OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON and AVRO formats
Third-Party Sources JSON/AVRO Alternative sources for the OpenRTB 2.6 schema

By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be able to obtain and work with the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON/AVRO format. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON/Avro format! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions:

Where can I find the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON format?

You can find the OpenRTB 2.6 schema in JSON format on the IAB Tech Lab’s GitHub repository. Simply head to this link to access the JSON schema.

Is the OpenRTB 2.6 schema available in Avro format?

Yes, the OpenRTB 2.6 schema is available in Avro format. You can find it on the Apache Avro website. Just navigate to this page and download the Avro schema for OpenRTB 2.6.

Can I use the OpenRTB 2.6 schema for my own project?

Absolutely! The OpenRTB 2.6 schema is open-source, which means you can use it for your own project freely. However, be sure to check the licensing terms and conditions before doing so.

Are there any tools available to help me work with the OpenRTB 2.6 schema?

Yes, there are several tools available that can help you work with the OpenRTB 2.6 schema. For example, you can use tools like Avro Tools, Apache NiFi, or even online schema validators like JSON Schema Validator to make your life easier.

What if I need help or have questions about the OpenRTB 2.6 schema?

No worries! You can reach out to the IAB Tech Lab’s support team or the OpenRTB community for assistance. They’ll be happy to help you with any questions or issues you might have.