Solving the “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” Error when using SCons on Godot with C++
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Solving the “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” Error when using SCons on Godot with C++

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” error when trying to build your Godot project with SCons and C++? You’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, but fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the solution right here.

What’s Going On?

The “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” error typically occurs when SCons is unable to find the BoolVariable type, which is a fundamental part of Godot’s scripting system. This type is essential for declaring boolean variables in your C++ code, and without it, your project won’t build.

The Culprit: SCons’ Config

The root of the problem lies in SCons’ configuration. By default, SCons doesn’t know where to find Godot’s header files, including the BoolVariable type. This lack of knowledge leads to the error we’re trying to fix.

Fixin’ It!

Don’t worry, we’ve got a step-by-step solution to get you back on track. Follow these instructions carefully, and you’ll be building your Godot project with SCons and C++ in no time.

Step 1: Update Your SConstruct File

import os

env = Environment()

# Godot's library path
godot_lib_path = '/path/to/godot/libs'

# Godot's include path
godot_inc_path = '/path/to/godot/includes'

# Add Godot's library and include paths to the environment

# Your C++ source files
src_files = ['src/main.cpp', 'src/other_cpp_file.cpp']

# Build the project
env.Program('godot_project', src_files)


Update your SConstruct file to include the Godot library and include paths. Replace ‘/path/to/godot/libs’ and ‘/path/to/godot/includes’ with the actual paths to Godot’s libs and includes directories on your system.

Step 2: Check Your Godot Installation

Make sure you have Godot installed and configured correctly on your system. If you’re unsure, you can always reinstall Godot or check the official Godot documentation for guidance.

Step 3: Verify Your C++ Code

>>> main.cpp
#include "core/object/variable.h"

using namespace godot;

int main() {
    BoolVariable is_game_over = false;
    // Rest of your code...
    return 0;

Double-check your C++ code to ensure you’re including the necessary Godot headers and using the correct namespace (godot). In this example, we’re including the “core/object/variable.h” header, which defines the BoolVariable type.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still encountering issues, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your Godot installation path. Make sure you’re pointing to the correct directory.
  • Verify that your SConstruct file is correctly configured. Double-check the paths and syntax.
  • Try rebuilding your project from scratch. Sometimes, a clean build can resolve issues.
  • If you’re using a Godot version prior to 3.1, you might need to use the ‘bool’ type instead of ‘BoolVariable’.


That’s it! With these steps, you should be able to resolve the “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” error when using SCons on Godot with C++. Remember to update your SConstruct file, check your Godot installation, verify your C++ code, and try troubleshooting tips if needed.

Now, go forth and build your amazing Godot project with SCons and C++!

Common Issues Solutions
Error: “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” Update SConstruct file, check Godot installation, and verify C++ code.
Error: “Cannot find Godot headers” Check Godot installation path and update SConstruct file accordingly.
Error: “BoolVariable is ambiguous” Use the correct namespace (godot) and verify C++ code.

If you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Godot community or seek help from a seasoned developer.

Additional Resources

If you’re new to SCons, Godot, or C++, here are some additional resources to help you on your journey:

  1. Godot Official Documentation
  2. SCons Official Documentation
  3. C++ Reference
  4. Godot Engine GitHub Repository

Happy building, and see you on the Godot forums!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with SCons on Godot with C++? You’re not alone! Here are some FAQs to help you troubleshoot that pesky “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” error.

What is the “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” error?

This error occurs when SCons can’t find the BoolVariable class, which is a built-in type in Godot’s scripting language, GDScript. It’s usually caused by a misconfiguration in your SCons script or an incorrect setup of your Godot project.

How do I fix the “name ‘BoolVariable’ is not defined” error?

First, make sure you’ve correctly set up your Godot project and SCons script. Check that you’ve included the necessary headers and libraries in your SCons script. If you’re still stuck, try cleaning and rebuilding your project, or reinstalling Godot and SCons.

Do I need to include specific headers for BoolVariable?

Yes, you need to include the `core/variable.h` header file in your SCons script to use BoolVariable. This header file contains the declaration for the BoolVariable class, so make sure to include it in your script.

Can I use BoolVariable in a C++ script in Godot?

Yes, you can use BoolVariable in a C++ script in Godot, but you need to wrap it in a GDScript-compatible way. You can do this by creating a C++ class that inherits from `godot::Object` and registering it with Godot’s scripting API.

Where can I find more resources to help me with SCons and Godot?

You can find more resources on Godot’s official documentation, the Godot community forums, and the SCons documentation. There are also many online tutorials and tutorials specific to Godot and SCons that can help you troubleshoot common issues.

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